Tuesday, January 25, 2011

HS חומש Assignment 1/25/11

Hey, I think I may have finally figured out how to type here in עברית! We'll try something new tonight, and instead of wasting paper with a handout, I will post your third audio שיעור assignment here, along with the questions I'd like you to answer.  The speaker is Rabbi Ari Kahn (click on his name to read a profile), and you can access the audio either by clicking here, or by searching for Rabbi Ari Kahn's podcasts on iTunes.  The title of the class is "The Development of Moshe" and it is podcast #270.  There should be a mix of both familiar and new ideas presented, and I would like you to please answer the questions below.  (You can "fast forward" to about 40 seconds in from the beginning.  There are some moments where the audio is imperfect, but please be patient and keep listening.)  
As always, you may need to listen to the whole שיעור, or perhaps sections of it more than once to be able to accurately answer the questions.

1. What was noble and selfless about the decision that עמרם and יוכבד made to remarry?  How might their lofty intentions have impacted the character of משה רבינו?

2. On what precise date was משה discovered by בת פרעה?  Why is it significant and appropriate that this should be the case?

3. What were some parallels between the תיבה of משה and the תיבה of נח?  How were they quite different?

4. How long might יוכבד have had to be a strong influence in young משה's life?  Who and what might she have taught him about in order to ensure that he remained secure in his authentic identity?  Were her efforts successful? (Note: Answer the last part after listening to the entire שיעור.)

5. What evidence is there from the חומש that משה may have experienced tension due to his dual lives as both an Egyptian prince and the chosen leader of כלל ישראל?

6. How does Rabbi Kahn distinguish between the phrases "כבד פה" and "ערל שֹפתים"?  (Note: This is one approach to משה's speech difficulties, but we will 'בעזרת ה discuss others in the future.)

7. How did 'ה (speaking through the נביא יחזקאל) point to the flawed belief system of the ancient מצריים, as it related specifically to the Nile River? Why was פרעה referred to as a 
תנין, or crocodile, who claimed "לי יאורי ואני עשֹיתיני"?  

8. Did בת פרעה harm or protect משה by naming him after the fact that she drew him out of the water?  Explain your answer carefully.

9. How was the killing that took place towards the beginning of ספר שמות different from the one in the beginning of ספר בראשית?

10. In Rabbi Kahn's view, what factors contributed the most to משה's ultimate position as the greatest leader of כלל ישראל?  How was משה uniquely equipped to shatter the belief-common among both Egyptians and Jews-that פרעה was a god? 

Your answers are due (written or typed) at the beginning of class on Thursday, January 27th.  Please post any questions that you may have as comments below, or email me privately.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

HS Chumash Assignment 1/19/11

Good afternoon ladies! I guess having to pick up a sick child from daycare is as good an excuse as any to introduce you to my new blog.  Please click on the link below that will take you to a website devoted to the teachings of one of the foremost Torah educators of the 20th Century, Nechama Leibowitz.  Don't get scared-it is in Hebrew, but the ideas are straightforward, and you may work with a partner if you so choose.
Sources and questions on the Inyan of Moshe and the Mitzri
The first thing you will need to do is read and translate Perek 2:11-22.  After you have done so, you should examine the sources presented in the Gilayon (similar to a worksheet) that the link takes you to, and then begin to answer the questions.  These are challenging--read them closely, and answer carefully, in thorough  detail.  I would like to see your written answers on Monday.
Hatzlacha, and please be in touch with me if you need any assistance!
-Mrs. Wittlin

Monday, January 17, 2011

Well Hello There

Although this is not something I ever dreamed that I would be doing, today I am intoducing my new Judaic Studies blog, as a project of the Margolin Hebrew Academy teacher in-service assignment.  Welcome! I hope you will appreciate what you find here; as of now, it is a bit of a mystery even to me what that will include in the future....